Time Wasted is not Wasted Time


Yesterday, I had an extra day off. I was gracious enough by my employer to be given an extra day for the holidays and immediately took yesterday off to prepare for our trip to Michigan. At first, I was really pumped to use my day to get all my last minute Christmas preparations done. But then, when I woke up and it was rainy and gloomy getting things done was the last thing I wanted to do. So, I decided to own that feeling.

It sounds silly, but for me, one of the things I struggle with is the overwhelming feeling to get things done at all times. I’m not good at relaxing, taking time off or “shutting down.” Really, the only time I’m able to sit and relax is when everything else is done or I’m extremely sick.

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve been learning that time spent relaxing is actually beneficial. So yesterday, I spent some time relaxing and it was actually really good for me. The entire morning, I spent time on the couch surfing blogs, drinking coffee and being in the quiet.

In true Katie fashion, I did use the afternoon to do laundry, clean our condo and start packing for our trip. Old ways are hard to change but spending half a day relaxing is progress for me! 🙂

This time turned out to be just what I needed and from it I created a massive list of ideas for posts for the near future. With the new year approaching I have a ton of goals in mind that I want to reach and one of them is growing my blog. I know that I have a good thing going on and the inspiration I’ve received through blogging can hopefully be used to help others.

Right now I’m off to finish up some last minute packing and fit a workout and a trip to the grocery store before we hit the road for Michigan for the weekend. I’m going to take the opportunity to spend the next few days unplugged and enjoy the time with my family and friends. I’ll be back on Sunday night with a full recap of our few days in Michigan and will be ready to spend a few more days relaxing and spending time enjoying our new Christmas traditions.

Have a great weekend! I hope you get to spend some time with friends and family and enjoy some “wasted time!”

10 responses to “Time Wasted is not Wasted Time

  1. We are too similar – I always struggle with my to do list. If someone asks me to do something, and I say yes, I cannot stop thinking about it until I do it. Sigh. I don’t do well with having things “on my plate.” But, I am better at relaxing at night and staying off the computer, since I am on it all darn day.

    I hope you have a great time and safe travels!!!

  2. Same here! I always feel like I’ve wasted my days off but, really, I need them to recharge.

  3. I’m the same way too – I have a hard time just doing one thing or just relaxing. it feels like a waste if I’m not a little productive.

    What’s crazy about that is that I take the occasional “mental health day” from work, a day off when I’m not sick but just don’t feel like it, and even then I’ll stay home doing chores! Maybe that’s my kind of relaxing? It does feel nice to accomplish things.

  4. I used to be the person who always had to keep busy in order to feel accomplished, but that went away completely in recent years. I found that I excel at doing “nothing” all day – it’s my time to relax and unwind!

  5. We’ve had a great time! Glad you got some down time, too; I certainly needed mine. After this week, I’m gonna pull up my socks for some REAL work in 2013. Lots to be done. But you can bet I’ll do it with joy! And my nails will be quite dirty — my favorite way to be.

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