Meal Plan 11/11-11/17 and New Challenges

Today, I started the 100 Days of Real Food 10 Day Pledge. I’m doing the pledge with my cousin Megan and my hubby jumped on board too! My cousin has Celiac disease and her doctor recently recommended a “clean” diet. We found this challenge online and I decided to do it with her. It’s not too too different from how we normally eat, but it’s a good reminder to check labels and not have any refined sugars and flours. Even if it’s difficult, I think I can do anything for 10 days!

Pecan Maple Breakfast Cookies, hard boiled eggs and bananas

Leftover Chili and Harvest Quinoa Chicken Soup

Apples, Oranges, Plain Greek Yogurt with honey (change here!) and mini popcorn bags

Sunday: Hosting the Bears game
Monday: Whole Wheat pasta with chicken, organic tomato sauce and goat cheese
Tuesday: Roasted Chicken, baked potatoes and green beans
Wednesday: Out for a work happy hour (I’ll bring leftovers to eat before my event!)
Thursday: Out to dinner and the Fun. concert downtown! <— this is going to be a challenge, because we’ll have to find a place to eat. I have confidence we’ll find someplace clean!
Friday: Pork chops, green beans and roasted herb potatoes
Saturday: Wing it/Something in the crock pot

Another challenge that starts this week? Our swim club starts tomorrow night! The swim suit I ordered? It was absolutely not a good fit and cut very skimpy. So, I order this suit online and it is exactly what I was looking for. I also got new goggles and new cap. I’m ready to swim!

5 responses to “Meal Plan 11/11-11/17 and New Challenges

  1. Pingback: 10 Days of Real Food Day One | livehalffull

  2. This challenge sounds so interesting- good luck!!

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